Wednesday, August 17, 2011

52 Photos Project / Week Seventeen / Black and White

Oh how I love Sheep!

I captured this shot while at Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival
an incredible sheep and yarn fiber festival held the first weekend in May
every year.
I have been attending for over fifteen years
and it is an incredible experience.

Every year it gets better and better
and more and more people are attending.
You spend two days going through booth after booth, 
buying hand-dyed fibers and yarns, knitting and weaving goodies.
You go through barn after barn, seeing all the different sheep that
have come to market.
I came across these two adorable sheep and
I wanted to capture them together
and I did in black and white!  

I am always playing with my camera.
So I thought it would be perfect for the photo prompt this week.

Sheep are loving, gentle, quiet, precious and oh so adorable.
I  have loved them as long as I can remember. 

I know that is why I have always enjoyed my weaving and knitting.
Hope you enjoy my photo!

Decided to add this shot my sister took of me that same weekend.

Look at those curly locks!
See I told you I loved sheep!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Joy in Knitting

color color everywhere!

I have been a knitter since I was a little girl . . . truly a little girl!
When I was in the fourth grade, I used to visit two little old ladies and be their
companion in the afternoons, to help my mom who was the assistant manager of a very large apartment complex when we lived in Annapolis, Maryland.
I still remember those two precious ladies!  I think that is why I have a fondness today for little precious older ladies, they have so much to offer us!
They gave me a set of aluminum knitting needles and a skein of bright colored yarn and taught me the basics of knitting and purling . . .
what a treasure that was and I didn't even know it as a little girl.
I know I have spoken of this in the past, but it
has always stayed with me.

the joy and pleasure of the needles!

Today I am still knitting, not as often as I would like to, but still knitting.
I was reminded of that this morning while outside on my back deck.
Me, my coffee, the birds flying around and just my knitting.
The rhythm of the needles is so relaxing
and I find myself in a gentle mood.
I have been working on a pair of baby booties for my co-worker
who is due to have her little girl very soon.

As busy as my life gets with all the things I have to do
somewhere you will find a small knitting project somewhere close by.
I never want to forget my roots . . . seems strange to say that
but it is true.
I think about my blog title and how I came up with it
Gentle Threads
knitting and weaving have always been a part of me
and now I am expanding into other art forms.
I will always be drawn back to fibers.
How lucky for me I get to experience all of the art forms I want to.

saw this sign outside a knit shop in Jackson, Wyoming!

So as I have knitted these booties for Addison's precious little feet
I have thought about the little life that will wear these,
how quickly she will outgrow them,
that her little feet will grow and grow into big girl feet

and it is okay
knitting is more than the piece you are creating.
It is about the gentle rhythm of the needles,
the quiet process,
the relaxation and calmness
it brings.
Just being present where you are.
Slowing down enough to create
something beautiful 
for someone you love!
Knitting anyone????