Saturday, June 8, 2013

Five thoughts on a Saturday

Early morning is definitely the best time of day

Cancer is a wretched thing

We are responsible for how we choose to feel in a day

We must look for moments of tiny graces

Rains storms are more fun with pink leopard boots on

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Finding charm in your life

There is so much charm in the world around us
if only you will see . . .

From quaint little shops
in small country towns . . .

To unusual independent bookstores
offering more than just stories . . . 

To beautiful historic home fronts . . . 

To Old Bicycle Shops still going strong . . . 

To finding a wildflower patch
just off the highway . . .

To wonderful bookstores
tucked way down the road

Our lives are filled
with moments
to find some charm.
Just look around you
see what you can find!
Slow your pace down
just a bit
and see all the wonders
that are right around you
waiting to be seen!