Monday, June 24, 2013

Creating a Blessing Bowl

I recently watched a video
from the amazing and inspiring
on "Creating a Blessing Bowl."
I loved everything she spoke about!
She demonstrated how to create a small bowl 
filled with offerings, little prayers
and requests for blessings.

I decided to create my own 
and wanted to share her
wonderful idea with YOU!

I first was on the hunt for a bowl,
not just any bowl,
but one that truly spoke to me.

Here is mine:
Is this not beautiful???
The bowl is as important
as the ingredients inside.

I began to fill my bowl with
 precious things of meaning to me
white sage, beads, charms, 
small cut out words and significant things
that mattered to me.

In Jamie's video she demonstrates
how to create blessing cards
I cut my cards 2 x 4
then found images that I loved for the
front of the card
from different magazines.
All I needed was a glue stick!

On the back I took the time to contemplate
on the blessings I wanted to list.
Several came up for me
family, my unborn granddaughter, my art, 
health, writing, thoughts, faith and so much more.
I mindfully chose all the items I wanted
to place in my blessing bowl.
These would become my
personal requests for blessings.

I slowly began to fill my bowl with
my treasures first.
I could feel it was becoming something
special already!

As the bowl filled,
I placed my blessing cards into the bowl.
What a treasure it quickly became.

Now I take the time to choose 
a blessing
and practice gratefulness.
I keep my blessing bowl in my studio,
where all my other treasures are
and I look at it at all times.

This was an awesome project
and I am grateful to Jamie
for sharing such a wonderful idea.
I am encouraging you to create one as well!