Created for my last Zentangle® class of 2016!
Life is full of connections!
We connect with others in so many ways
on a day to day basis.
I love the word Connect!
I recently created a Mandala and
decided to create a little mandala and word play.
So I found a page from an old book,
colored it with a watercolor wash,
and then found a word to cut out and use.
(You never know when you might need just one word!)
I connect with my Optical patients all day long,
friendships are always nearby,
my family always needs me,
I am connecting with my students
when I teach,
I connect with words through the page of a book,
my art while I am in my studio,
my weavings while sitting at the loom.
I even connect with strangers
along my daily path, and so do you!
This is just a small reminder for your day:
To make those connections in your own life work.
Be loving and gentle, in times of strife.
Be that kind word, when there is none to be found.
Be the smile when someone needs to see one.
Connect with others in a real and sincere way!
It is so important!
Especially in these deeply divided politic times in our nation.
I found this beautiful magazine from the UK
at Barnes and Noble recently.
I saw Zentangle® was featured inside
so I purchased it.
Oh my goodness it was filled with so much
beauty and thought provoking articles.
Always finding time to draw!
Find moments to just Breathe,
in whatever way works for you.
Connect with someone you haven't seen in awhile,
Re-connect with a family member.
It's important and good for your own
heart and soul.
Find those times when you can just be
good to yourself.
Feed that soul of yours with good stuff!
Donna Lee