Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Practicing Gratefulness

Fall Beauty

I was writing in my Documented Life Journal this morning
some Love Notes I wanted to say to myself:

then I realized ...
Why not share them on my blog today??

During this wonderful week of Thanksgiving
(a time of Gratefulness and Praise)
sit down with your own self
list what you are grateful for
list what good has come your way
list things you want to say to yourself
list all the things that make you smile
list all the thoughts that are in your heart
you will be surprised with what you come up with!

Here is mine:

Keep my family close
Accept what is
Be happy in all things
Never desire more than you can handle
Keep your wishes alive
Be strong in yourself
Grow and always try to learn something new
Step of your comfort zone
Practice gratefulness each and every day
Believe in your beautiful self
Reach higher and further
Love who YOU really are

May your holiday be filled
with love and gratefulness,
family gatherings, good food,
time to sit still and savor what is!
This life of ours is full of wonder,
but we must take the time to see it all.

Love and Light
Donna Lee