Friday, January 25, 2013

It's Been a Quiet Week

I honestly don't know where this week went!
I have been practicing slowing down
Simplifying my walk in life
this week has been extremely good.

Staying home working on some
artistic projects
Time in my studio painting journal pages
Not much television
(what a time waster!)
I must admit I did watch the 
season finale of
(OH how I love that show!)

I am becoming more and more
of a home body
love to go from my knitting,
to doing a little laundry, 
to perhaps writing a new poem,
having a cup of tea,
taking a nap,
just being home makes me happy.

I was able to finish those two socks
for my daughter n laws
I wrote about 
and I am just beginning a new
knitted Caplet design
just for me!
There is something wonderful about
beginning a new knitting project!
Casting on those first stitches is fun.
My sister and I went to my local knit shop last weekend
and I got some beautiful new yarn for this pattern.

I found this designer on Etsy
This is what I am starting:

We are expecting a snow storm today
here in Virginia Beach!
So it looks as though I am in for my weekend,
I am not complaining!
Of course Sunday night will be
episode number four of
Downton Abbey!

Find time to be still
Find time to be creative
Find time to listen to really good music
Practice some self care
Most of all find time 
to slow your beautiful self
D O W N!

Donna Lee

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

A Poetry Moment . . .

Greet Yourself . . .

With early morning light
Come and greet yourself here
See your wonderful self
for YOU are waiting there

Take a deeper look
a long and searching glance
at the Self that stands
before you now

Greet yourself in love
what lies in front of you there
Greet yourself in peace

There are moments in our day
when we choose to not see ourselves
for we choose to look away
 look even deeper, if only for today

Greet Yourself
in this quiet moment
for you will find that
YOU are still waiting there