(Created by my daughter n law Lauren)
I've just returned from a wonderful stay in the
Outer Banks of North Carolina
with my family
for the Thanksgiving Holiday.
How fun it is to all be under the same roof,
loving each other, playing, laughing,
sharing and exploring together.
Many of you know, I have four precious grandchildren,
Annabelle 4
Grayson 3
Dylan 2
Zoey 6 months
So needless to say, our lives are filled right now!
Getting away from our normal routines
allows us to re-focus on what is important.
Letting go of junk in our minds and hearts,
can be a freeing experience.
I had gotten to a burn out stage
before I arrived at our cottage
and needed renewal for sure!
Every time I walk by the sea,
listen to the waves
and breathe in deep breaths of sea air,
I am renewed beyond any measure.
So today the thoughts pour out,
of all the things I am thankful for . . .
My family and their health
Our love and precious times together
For moments I will continue to treasure
For the time to slow my body down
For naps in the hammock
Delicious shrimp tacos at my favorite Bad Bean
Bookstores and watching our kids pick out books to take home
Walks on the beach with our whole crew,
Time to create my own art
Reconnection with an artistic friend,
Hallmark Christmas movies in the cottage
Time to hold my Jimmy's hand along the beach
For hugs from my mother n law
and watching her play with her
great grand babies
The smell of a 20 pound turkey roasting in the cottage
Our Thanksgiving meal together
For words spoken of admiration towards each other
Two nights alone in the quiet,
The gift of every day
Here are just a few of my favorite pictures,
I can't share all the ones I took,
it would make the this post way too long!
You can always click on my Instagram and see more
(We tried for that last family portrait)
Jimmy and his Josie
Josie and Nollie
Sweet Cousin Love
My Wynn Girls
Every night we enjoyed a sunset view
Heather always searching for that perfect shot
I will never grow tired of this view
Dad and his boys
Tried for that Mommy and Sons selfie
So glad Mom came to be with us
Time out for some Zentangle® at the Whalehead Club
Another try at our family pic
Love this one! Sunset at the beach
After baths and pj's ... story time with Grand mommy
A little art time while parents were packing up
Saying goodbye to the kids was the hardest
Last morning of quiet and meditation before leaving
Always be happy and grateful for the moments in your life,
treasure every day and the times spent with
family and friends.
Know who you are and what you stand for,
don't let the busy season swallow you whole,
take time to breathe and enjoy it all.
Donna Lee