Wednesday, March 28, 2012

My Two Year Blog*a*ver*sa*ry!

This picture was taken this past weekend
while I was in New York City!
I was walking in SOHO
and I was thinking about my two year
blog anniversary!
I was thinking about what I wanted to relate
to my friends, my followers and to myself
about just what my blog has meant to me,
it will be hard to put into words.
I printed my first year into a book with Blog2Print,
so I would always have a keepsake,
looks like I will now have a second edition.
I really didn't believe I would get this far.
So have a seat my friend, let's get started.

When I began my blog two years ago,
I felt it would be all about the things I would be creating,
sharing ideas and techniques I had learned.
As time has evolved, my blog has grown into so much more,
more than I ever expected.
Gentle Threads has taken on a personality and life
 all on it's own.
It is a place I come to for comfort and expression.
I feel safe and at home here.
I have grown in my writing abilities,
I learned to manipulate my E-Blogger skills,
oh my, I didn't even know how to set up a blog.
I have learned to share my thoughts from the heart
and put them into words.  I have fallen in love
with writing poetry.
 I have developed soul sister friendships
that I cherish with each and everyday!
I enjoy following  their blogs and hearing
their thoughts each morning with coffee.
I have enjoyed the comments given to me
and they have gone 
straight to my heartstrings.
 I am truly grateful for each and everyone.
There is so much love and light 
that is shared in this creative community,
the blessing has been all mine.

I look forward to beginning my third year.
I want to grow even more, share even more
and learn even more, 
I know it is possible.
I don't know what is in store in my 
creative world,
but I know it will be an adventure,
I am so wide open to it all.

Thank you for your support, your love
and your following.
This blog world is amazing, it is heartfelt and it is so very special.
So many adventures, so many different experiences to share,
so many flavors is this life of ours, 
all for the choosing.

I am a creative girlie
in love with all that is around me,
eyes wide open . . . 
to see, to experience and to grow.
I look, I listen, I watch, taking it all in.
I can't wait for the next 
creative experience and sharing it
through pictures and words.
Come along with me 
as I enter into my third year
of blogging
won't you???

all of these photos were taken during
my trip to NYC last weekend
Always taking photos,
looking for just the right subject,
how I love my camera.
Donna Lee

Thank you Lisa Gonzalez for teaching
me to shoot myself, have fun with it
and just let go.

1 comment:

  1. oh dear donna, I am so glad that you are here....sharing yourself with the world. You are beautiful and your heart is so expansive. I feel so blessed to call you a friend.

    It made me smile a big smile to see so many photos that I recognized in this post from NYC.

    I adore you, and adore your blog. Happy anniversary dear friend.


I am so glad you visited this post today ... please feel free to comment on anything you have heard here today. Your opinions matter to me!