Wednesday, November 7, 2012

I met Shelly along the way . . .

Shelly Norris of Soul Fire Retreats
writing on Maya Stein's "Type-Rider"

Last year at Serendipity Retreat
in the Outer Banks
October, 2011
I met this sweet and amazing girl
name Shelly Norris!
She was a teacher right where
I lived in Virginia Beach!
She came at the suggestion of her
good friend and author
Susan Pease,
my cottage mate at Squam by the Sea
October 2010
(are you getting all these connections?)
Retreats are always about 
 bringing others together. 

It was her first retreat 
she was on fire! 
She took in the entire retreat experience
with such joy and excitedness
that her attitude
was infectious!

She returned this year to the Outer Banks
for Squam by the Sea
and it was so good to see her once again.
For now she has quit her teaching job,
and begun a journey,
a beautiful journey all her own
Soul Fire Retreats!

She will be holding her very first one
in Sandbridge, Virginia Beach
in February of 2013
and has plans to hold
many more in the future,
each retreat having different
venues to choose from.

I just wanted to encourage you to check out her video
on You Tube here!
I wish much success along the way
for Shelly is a beautiful soul
wide open with expectations!

It was important for me to share Shelly with you,
I am so grateful to have loving and creative friends
in this artistic life of mine.
If you are looking for nourishment, looking for
a new life "shift"
then this is the place to look.
Fall back in "love" with 
your truest self!
Art classes, fellowship and so much more!

1 comment:

  1. Donna... I wanted to thank you for your kind words!! I'm so in love with you and all that you are! You are a gift to me from the Divine and I am so grateful! Soul Fire is going to be all that I believe it to be... a life shift with amazing soulful instructors... hoping you will be one for me one day soon!

    Much love,


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