So many of us have chosen a word of inspiration for our 2015!
I think long and hard before choosing just the right word.
In fact, this year my list had over thirty choices ...
I kept scratching them out and narrowing down
over the month of December.
I was down to two words
Contentment and Positive
after taking my walk through nature
at New Years
It was perfect, it felt just right!
I felt a bit negative in 2014,
so I was really glad to leave that all behind!
I am participating in Documented Life Project 2015,
I enjoyed it so much last year
and I was thrilled with my
journal at the end of the year.
So many wonderful pages filled with memories
of my life
through artwork, quotes, pictures and more.
I thought I would give you a peek of my new journal
starting for 2015
and of course documenting my new word for the year!
My First Week complete!
My decorated journal cover!
A Soul Collage page starting my new year!
I am excited about my new year
and I hope you are too!
It is wide open with possibilities
I am leaving next weekend
to attend a Soul Collage Facilitator Training
in Charlotte, North Carolina
and I am so excited about this new phase in my artistic life!
I am looking forward to teaching and guiding
others in this soulful and artistic process.
Wishing you all good things in your new year,
Let me know what your new plans are,
what your word of the year is,
or anything you would like to share!
Donna Lee
That soul collage is beautiful. Enjoy your training and the new creative adventures 2015 will be bringing your way! xo