Saturday, August 14, 2010

Get back to my fibers and artwork

Finishing my socks

I realize that I haven't been knitting or weaving recently! I recently picked up a pair of socks that I started over six months ago and they still aren't finished.  That makes me sad.  They are full of lace and cables and beautiful, I want to get them finished.  Living a life in balance is hard.  The demands of life with family needs, spousal attention, work and life commitments all take us away from our artistic journey. I want to do these things, but I also want to be a creative individual.

I know for me I always feel better when I can have creative time in each day.  I purposely get up early each morning, to have some type of creative time for myself.  The emails, blogs and facebook have begun to take more and more of my time.  I find that the fiber arts and  painting gets put to the side.  I am not sure how to fix that.  I know all artists struggle with this.  I am not a full time artist and it is not my financial support for life, therefore I don't give it as much importance  or validation.

I have made a commitment to myself this week, to watch less mindless television, to stay away from my social networking "facebook" and concentrate on more creative time with myself.  Can I do it???  I surely hope so.  I don't feel good when I am not allowing my creative spirit to soar!  It has only been a day and the urge to cut the television on is strong.  Hmmmmm something is out of balance here!

I look forward to coming back to myself and my art.  I need that.  Everything in my life is pretty wonderful, so this little area of concern can be fixed.  Living a life in balance is a very hard thing to do, but it can be done.

I went to the art store yesterday, I am fortunate to have a Jerry's Artarama just FIVE MINUTES from my house, how cool is that!  I bought myself some artistic treats.  I was looking for a nice set of watercolor pencils and found them.  I was stirred up with excitement as I carried my little bag out of the store and I look forward to quiet time and experimenting with them.

I am trying to finish my socks before fall and they will be a pair of hand knit socks just for me.  They will remind me of  over coming procrastination and getting things accomplished.  My desire is to live my life more creatively and I am giving myself permission to do so!

1 comment:

  1. I love coming to your blog and seeing what you are up to and just listening to you talk....I think we are kindred spirits.....You are fast becoming a good friend....

    I too have unfinished projects, in fact, I have two pairs of socks unfinished but continue to start new projects, go figure that.....
    I have found that I have had to make a choice about my social networking because I can't spend the time I want creating and time on the phone or computer so I only blog...My daughter keeps telling me I should join facebook but I just know I will spend too much time on it so I just stay with my blog.....talking about TV, if there's something I want to watch or my hubby and I watch a movie that's when I knit....that way I don't feel guilty and it keeps my hands busy with a project......

    All of us who like to create, seem to struggle with this same issue...and you are right BALANCE
    is the key but for my and my peronality, sometimes that's very hard.....

    I hope you have a wonderful weekend...

    Hugs to you my friend


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