Monday, April 23, 2012

Painting my Story . . .

I have been taking Mindy Lacefield's class
and I am having such a fun time.
What a gift I have given myself.
It is hard for me to share
my little doodlings
and drawings,
but here they are.
Exposing your raw artwork
can be intimidating to oneself.
I am learning to play
with my seven year old
 inner little child,
I think mine has enjoyed
coming out to play.

We are learning to play with faces
drawing, watercoloring,
expressions, markings,
different personalities,
what fun this is for me.

We are creating Pin Boards with Pinterest
here is a link to all of my Pinboards,
(I could write a whole blog post on just
the fun of Pinterest and how addicting it is)

I am marking, drawing, painting,
doodling, writing with my left hand,
and having so much fun.
Mindy is an incredible teacher
and I love her very much.
I first met her at Squam by the Sea
in October 2010,
we have continue to connect
over and over again,
what a beautiful and creative
spirit she truly is.
I have a lot of her beautiful artwork
in my studio, to give me 
over and over again.

Collecting words for future paintings
Some of my favorite words 
that speak to me
I have created a list of over
a hundred words to use 
 again in my own artwork.
I encourage to you try this exercise,
you will be amazed at how the words
just come to you.

Marks and scribbles
with just my
Pitt pens

Marks and scribbles with my
You know I have to get my watercolors in there

I recognize that this is an extremely
creative time in my life,
writing poetry from the heart,
playing with my inner baby girl,
Painting my own story,
I am deeply blessed . . . 
to have the time, the resources,
a beautiful studio to create in,
creative friends that inspire me,
and the desire to create all that
is deep within me.

Can't wait to see what comes next
this week in Mindy's class.
If you EVER get the chance to take this,
I strongly urge you to do so.
You can have Mindy right in your
own home, you don't always have to travel
to these amazing art retreats,
(even though I highly recommend you experience that too)

This week:

Be creative
Write Poetry
Take pictures of the world around you
Write a note to someone you love
Learn something new
just express your beautiful self.

Expression from the heart


  1. love every bit of the above works.... makes me want to go to the art store and stock up on pens and crayons!

  2. Oh Dear Donna. you are such a gift to me. i'm so blessed that our paths have crossed. and thank you for your lovely, genuine words about the class.
    love you so much, friend.

  3. I'm in the class too and you are right, it can be hard to share things. I certainly feel that way too!! It is fun (and a bit scary) to reconnect with ones inner child and see what comes out. I like your faces, we are all posting such unique things :)

  4. so fun to see everything you've been playing with! happy to be in class together...can't wait for next week :)

    have a wonderful weekend!
    xo, juliette


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